JMotion is a software that turns the item 360 degrees so that it is possible to take a look at the item's information in detail.

    The items in EC web sites can be introduced effectively and the manufacturer can present its new item in a fashionable and refined way.

    In terms of function, JMotion is supported with Zoom In & Out and Move devices, and the new version with voice & text synchronization will be released shortly

      Target Users

    • Product manufacturers
    • EC merchants and Web Shopping mall operators
    • EC service providers
    • The ones who are establishing EC Web shopping malls

     Main Features

    • Real time zoom in & out
    • Free movement of object
    • Real time media mixing and selection (Image + Text + Audio)
    • Logical media Synchronization
    • Pure Java applet

    Developing Environments

    • Internet Explorer 4.0 or later version
    • Netscape Navigator 4.0 or later version
    • Web browsers supporting JDK 1.1 or later version
    • PC supporting audio is optional